Deer – Horned, Fleet-Footed Plant-Eaters

Deer – Horned, Fleet-Footed Plant-Eaters

spotted deer


The deer family has more than 60 different species. They live in North and South America, Europe, Asia and even northwest Africa. They prefer woodlands and forests but can inhabit the cold Arctic but also some have adapted to the hot topics. They are and slender, long-legged, elegant, vegetable-eating creatures that use their long legs to run when predators come hunting. They are similar to antelope in appearance, the main difference is their antlers.


moose european elk


muntjac deer


All male deer have antlers except for one species – the Chinese water deer. Females often have antlers as well, just not as large as the males. The moose is the largest of the deer family with the largest antlers (the extinct irish elk was perhaps larger), followed by the elk. The caribou or reindeer has the largest antlers in relation to the size of its body. The impressive part is that the deers shed and regrow their large antlers every year. In the autumn is when the mating takes place and when the antlers are important for the males to battle for mates. After that, the heavy antlers are shed and start to regrow through the summer, until they are needed to show the females who is dominant when the next mating season comes around.


fat elk


red deer