Category: Fish

Ocean Sunfish – Mola Mola, Head with Fins

ocean sunfish


The ocean sunfish, also known as the mola mola is the heaviest bony fish on the planet. The average adult weight of this fish is approximately 2,200 lb (1000 kg). The species lives in tropical and warm waters around the globe.

Appearance-wise the ocean sunfish looks literally like just a fish’s head with a tail, its body is completely flattened and they can appear extremely tall or long as they have long dorsal and ventral fins.


Starfish – Sea Star, Armed Sea Critter

red white spots starfish


The starfish is incorrectly named. The starfish simply isn’t a fish and for centuries marine biologists and scientists have been trying to get it renamed the “sea star” as it is. In fact, the starfish is an echinoderm. The echinoderm group also includes closely related species like the sand dollars, sea urchins and sea cucumber.