Category: Mammals

Donkeys – Wild Asses – The Noble Beast


The donkey or ass is arguably the noblest beast in all of the animal kingdom. The ass is sober, patient, cautious, intelligent, sure-footed, has good stamina and contrary to common belief is not stubborn. The dog may be man’s best friend but the ass is no stranger.


Wild Ass in Chile

Tarsiers – The Big-Eyed, Ancient, Nocturnal Mammal

large head


Oh the tarsier is an extraordinary animal. Relative to weight, it has the largest eyes of all the mammals. It is a tree mammal and primate but not a monkey as you will see there are quite a few key differences.


on a tree

Albino Pygmy Marmoset Twins

Albino Pygmy Marmoset Twins

Pygmy marmosets (Callithrix pygmaea) – Source: Daily Mail, London

From Daily Mail August 2006:

Mammal Facts

long eared desert hedgehog africa middle east

Long-eared desert hedgehog


There are about 5,400 species of mammals in the air and water and on the land.


Some characteristics of mammals are:

Types of Monkeys

Types of monkeys are classified into two major groups, the New World primates (South and Central America) and the Old World primates (Asia and Africa). The major difference, besides living on different continents, is that the New World primates have tails that can grasp and hold things while the Old World primates can’t do much with their tails and sometimes have no tail at all. New World primates do not have versatile opposable thumbs like many other primates and most Old World primates do.


New World Monkeys