Tagged: Gulf Coast

Red Wolf – Canine on the Brink of Extinction

red face


The red wolf (Canis lupus rufus) is a critically endangered species of wolf which was once very populous, roaming the American South. Originally, this species’ range extended from all over the gulf coast to the Ohio River Valley and as far north as Pennsylvania, and as far west as Missouri. This amazing animal was the top of its food chain in almost every environment in which it thrived, including swamps, plains and forests.


Brown Pelican

diving pelican

Currently on the Endangered Species List, the brown pelican is found along the Pacific, Atlantic, and Gulf Coast of the US and Mexico, extending as far south as Venezuela on the Atlantic Coast, and to Chile on the Pacific Coast. Following the nesting season, the brown pelican can also be found northward – in Nova Scotia and British Columbia. The brown pelican’s habitat is typically waterfronts, marina, sandy beaches and lagoons in coastal areas.